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A member registered Dec 23, 2021

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Just curious, 

If the "Full version" in google play and apple store were free to download, and if they wanted to access any DLC in the future (18+ or whatever), do they get it for free? Bcz if thats the case, then what is the difference for the one we paid for $24 for the itch pc version compared to this? Bcz if there is no difference, then do i just spend $24 for a pc version that i could obtain for free on android or IOS? 

I would understand if you refuse to answer this as this might be a confidential information. 

(5 edits)

Hi Mr Ryu. first of all i would like to congratz you on your game released. One of the best experience i had. For now i also do not have the access key to access the 18+ DLC but i can wait for it, so good luck. (Hopefully for those who paid $24 for the itch full version do not have to pay extra for the upcoming complete DLC, and those who download the free full version (android IOS) would need the BUY the 18+DLC, bcz that way seems fair right hhh).  But i would like to backup the previous claims bcz the truth is i stumbled across the adult demo version Mid-December, which was still available in itch if i remember correctly. it was showcased by some youtubers and from there i was able to access both the public and adult versions from your itch website (separate links). i dont know if there's any error on the website or you just forgot to close down the website for the adult version, but just to let you know that i was able to download the adult demo version then. So maybe a lot of the players had the same encounter?  

Above is the proof that i downloaded the adult demo in Dec 2021. This 18+ ADULT DEMO version was until Day 3 [SPOILERS] when Spears was found dead and Frank/Karl was question, then end with the developers note for upcoming full version. Hope this information can clear things up between you and the players complaints. Again keep up the good work and looking forward for the competed version in the future. 

(1 edit)

Where do i obtain the wood for frank to fix the boat??? there are many woods to choose from but none of them were usable. 

  1. 1) the one at the dock was soaked;
  2. 2) the one at the fireplace was burnt
  3. 3) the ones beside the chalet not suitable 
  4. 4) paddle on wall not suitable 

is there any wood that i missed so that i can complete frank's last event???